Featuring: Kareem-Anthony Ferreira @kareemanthony.artist and Roger Ferreira @artistrogerferreira
Holt Renfrew Art Director: Jessica Diaz @byjessdiaz
Director/Photographer: Othello Grey @othellogrey
Director of Content: Andrew Cresswell
Creative Producer: Rose Gardiner @rosekathlyn
Associate Producer: Naomi Macapagal @nrmvc
Fashion Office Assistant: Taylor MacGillivary @tay_macgill
Cinematographer: Keenan Lynch @keenanlynch
1st AC: Ash Tailor @tremblingwater
2nd AC: Rosa Riad @riad.rosa
Gaffer: Julian Samuels @julian.samuels
Best Electric: Bryan Brooks
3rd Electric: Matt Richardson
Key Grip: Dillon Freel @rational_optimist22
Best Grip: Tony Ranieri
Swing: Josh Ellis @josh.ellis17
Location Sound Mixer: James Lazarenko @lazajam
Stills Digi Tech: Jack Peros @jackperos
Production Designer: Chelsea Attong @chelseaattong
Buyer: Emi Maruyama @emiimaruyama
Art PA: Octavio Caceres @octavioangelo_
Art PA: Kontinent @fromthemindofkontinent_
Wardrobe Stylist: Bobby Bowen @bobbybowen
Stylist Assistant: Tamarinn Murray @styledbytamarinn
HMU: Jasmine Merinksy @jerkpierogi
PA: Sarah Ziat @hightothiss
PA: Lankika Ellepola @lankika
PA: Isaac Alfie @isaacalfie
Picture Editor: Bryan Reuben @nimiopere @bryanreubn
Post House: Rolling Pictures @rollingpicturesca
Special thanks:
@centre3_, @2dhouse, @filmandevent, @towards.info